Giving Back

Our students make the world a better place.

Mount Merici’s “Serviam” foundation creates good stewards in the world who cultivate a lifelong dedication to service in their communities, and in the world at large.


Our Youngest Students

Whether they are collecting food to benefit the local Weekend Backpack Program or contributing their own money to the Rice Bowl Program, we help them understand their compassion and effort makes a difference.


Our Middle School Students

Our 6th and 7th grade students work diligently every week at the area food bank, the Muskie Center for elders and disabled adults, and on a multitude of other service projects.


Our 8th Grade Students

Drawing from their service work background, they create a year-long, service-based project that aligns with their individual interests.

Uniform Policy

The purpose of the Mount Merici Academy uniform is to:

  • Provide a sense of pride and belonging to the Mount Merici Academy

  • Provide a neat and orderly appearance appropriate to our Ursuline

  • Avoid competition in dress.

  • Ensure modesty, safety, and school cohesiveness.

  • Be age and activity-appropriate.

Students are expected to be in complete, neat, and clean uniforms every
day unless a uniform holiday is scheduled. The official school uniform for
grades K-8 is supplied by Tommy Hilfiger. You may order online at

Please note, only Mount Merici Academy fleece jackets are acceptable to be worn over uniforms in class.

Additional Uniform Policy Notes and Requirements

  • Shirts are to be tucked in at all times, with the exception of the physical education uniform.

  • Hairstyles for boys and girls should be neat and not distracting.

  • Hair may NOT be dyed any unnatural hair color; students arriving at school with an unnatural hair color will be asked to ensure their hair is dyed back to a natural hair color before the next school day.

  • Body and/or facial piercings (including nose) are not allowed.

  • Make-up is not permitted for grades K-5 and should be minimal and understated if worn by those in grades 6-8.

  • Expensive jewelry should not be worn to school.

  • Jewelry is not to be worn during Physical Education and other sports activities.

  • The nature of uniforms is they look the same; please label all uniform pieces and other belongings with student’s first and last name so belongings can be easily identified.

  • If there is a serious reason a student must be out of uniform (generally for a medical purpose), please contact the Head of School, who will then contact the necessary school staff to excuse the student.

  • If a staff member notices a student is not in complete uniform (missing a piece of uniform, not wearing uniform appropriately), a Uniform Negligence form will be sent home for parents to sign and return to the office.

Boys’ Uniform

  • Pants: Navy blue plain or khaki (junior high only) or pleated-front chino style (No jeans/cargo pants) K-8

  • Shorts: Navy blue or khaki (junior high only) plain or pleated-front chino style (must be knee-length) K-8.

    • Shorts may only be worn until September 30 and after May 15

  • Shirt:

    • Long or short-sleeved, white, collared, button-down K-5.

    • Long or short-sleeved, white, navy blue, or light blue polo with Serviam Shield 6-8.

    • White needed for dress uniform days; worn with blazer.

  • Tie:

    • Mount Merici Academy Plaid K-5

    • Mount Merici Academy Plaid Bow Tie ***purchased from MMA office***

  • Sweater:

    • Red cardigan, long-sleeved pullover, or vest with Serviam Shield K-2

    • Navy blue cardigan, long-sleeved pullover, or vest with Serviam Shield 3-5

  • Blazer: Navy blue Hopsack Blazer with Serviam Shield (6-8)

    • Required on dress uniform days: mass, assemblies, etc…

  • Shoes:

    • Sturdy ALL black or ALL dark brown K-5

    • Sturdy ALL light or dark brown 6-8

    • NO sneakers or skate shoes permitted except during Phys. Ed.

  • Socks:

    • Blue crew K-5

    • Blue crew or dress socks 6-8

    • NO sport anklets or visible logos permitted

  • Belt: Brown 6-8

Girls’ Uniform

  • Jumper: Mount Merici Academy Plaid Split Front Jumper K-3

  • Skirt:

    • Mount Merici Academy Plaid Knife Pleat Skirt 4 & 5

    • Mount Merici Academy Plaid Wrap-Around Kilt, knee-length 6-8

  • Pants: Navy Blue or khaki (junior high only) boot-cut, plain-front, or pencil-fit chino style (No jeans/cargo pants) K-8

  • Cross-Tie: Mount Merici Academy Plaid Criss-Cross tie (K-5 when wearing pants)

  • Shirt:

    • Long or short sleeve, white, collared, button-down K-5

    • Long or short-sleeved, white, navy blue, or light blue polo with Serviam Shield 6-8

    • White needed for dress uniform days; worn with blazer.

  • Sweater:

    • Red cardigan, long-sleeved pullover, or vest with Serviam Shield K-2

    • Navy blue cardigan, long-sleeved pullover, or vest with Serviam Shield 3-5

  • Blazer:

    • Navy blue Hopsack Blazer with Serviam Shield 6-8

    • Required on dress uniform days: Mass, assemblies, etc…

  • Shoes:

    • Sturdy ALL black or ALL dark brown K-5

    • Sturdy ALL light or dark brown shoes 6-8

    • NO sneakers or skate shoes permitted except during Physical Education

  • Belt: Brown 6-8

  • Socks/Tights:

    • ALL Navy blue OR white tights, knee-high, or crew socks K-8

    • Navy blue crew or dress socks 6-8

    • Navy blue if wearing pants

    • NO leggings, sport ankle socks, visible logos, bows, or decorations

Physical Education Uniform

All students in grades 3-8 are required to wear a Mount Merici Academy Physical Education uniform to school on the day their class has P.E.

  • Mount Merici Academy P.E. t-shirt

  • Mount Merici Academy P.E. shorts

  • Mount Merici Academy P.E. sweatpants

  • Shorts may only be worn until September 30 and after May 15

  • Mount Merici Academy sweatshirt may be worn with P.E. uniform

  • P.E. Uniforms must be ordered and purchased through Tommy Hilfiger.

"I like MMA because everybody is very nice! I have made a lot of friends since I started going there last year. MMA has taught me how to be helpful and how to listen. I'm also glad I get extra help with my reading."

-Evan Oullette